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Research and Innovation

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QuicDNA is aiming to transform the lung cancer diagnostic pathway in NHS Wales by integrating ctDNA testing (liquid biopsies) earlier in the pathway for faster genomic analysis to enable earlier precise treatment decisions, ultimately to improve outcomes. Launched in 2022 and now active in all Welsh Health Boards, the data is showing promising and encouraging results, with plans to launch this as a fully commissioned SoC service from 2025. In addition, a business proposal is in development to expand QuicDNA to other cancer types nationally (QuicDNA Max), aiming to improve outcomes, access targeted therapies, and revolutionize cancer diagnostics. Building on the success of the lung cancer project, QuicDNA Max will focus on molecular genomic profiling using liquid biopsy, system scaling, education, collaboration, and creating an AI-driven genomic database to enhance patient outcomes and fuel future innovation. The QuicDNA team is inviting new and existing partners to join this transformative initiative, leveraging cross-sector collaboration to drive system change.


Tackling Cancer through Research / Ministerial Initiative

.Collaborating and delivering with commercial partners

This programme sets out the challenge, ambition and actions we must take in Wales to:

• deliver better cancer outcomes and survival for Welsh patients

• reduce healthcare inequalities

• attract greater commercial cancer clinical trial activity into Wales

• increase patient access to new and novel treatments via these trials

• attract investment in Welsh healthcare, employment and wider economy

The focus of this programme is related to delivering industry-sponsored research (research fully funded by industry) however, the actions outlined in the plan will bring about benefits for non-commercial cancer trials which run alongside the commercial portfolio.  An implementation programme has been established and will report during 2025.


Innovation Database

The project aims to develop a centralised Cancer Innovation Database to track and collate information on cancer-related innovations across Wales. This will address the current gap where no single repository exists for such projects, making it challenging to monitor, share, and build upon existing cancer innovation efforts. The Cancer Innovation Database will be the first of its kind in Wales, providing a centralised, accessible platform for tracking and fostering cancer-related innovations. It will enhance collaboration among innovators, healthcare providers, and other stakeholders, ultimately contributing to better cancer care and outcomes in Wales. If you have completed an innovation project around Cancer in the last 3 years or are currently, please contact wcn.r&


Research and Innovation

Research and innovation are powerful drivers of improvement in services, and we are fortunate in Wales to have excellent ongoing work in this area to improve prevention, diagnosis, treatment and the experiences of people at risk of or who develop cancer.

We are keen to capitalise on this area of strength to bring about real change to the way we work:

  • facilitating collaboration between sectors, to work towards common goals
  • optimising the translation of high-quality research and innovation into high quality clinical practice, and 
  • enhancing the outcomes of our service improvement programmes by expanding and effectively using the evidence base, methodologies and expertise of a research approach.

The Cancer Delivery Plan highlighted the need for a strategic approach to cancer research. The major initial outcome of the Research and Development Programme is working with partners to facilitate the first national Cancer Research Strategy for Wales (CReSt).


The implementation of the final strategy will direct the Research and Innovation programme over the next years. 


Underpinning this, we are supporting the development of programmatic collaborations across professions and sectors.


We’re working in partnership with patients and the wider public, the Wales Cancer Alliance, Life Sciences Hub Wales, Wales Cancer Research Centre and others, on programmes including:

  • providing a single front door to develop and support partnerships through the foundation of a Wales Cancer Industry Forum
  • developing opportunities for professions that are traditionally less research or innovation-active, to capitalise on the skills  

We want everyone to have the opportunity to be involved in research and innovation, turning ideas into high quality evidence and positive changes. 


If you are interested in learning more or getting involved, please contact wcn.r&


Wales Cancer Industry Forum

The WCIF creates opportunity for Industry, 3rd Sector organisations and the NHS to collaborate through partnerships. The Industry Forum fosters collaboration between pharmaceutical, medical device, and diagnostic companies and Welsh cancer service stakeholders to improve patient care.

The WCIF Workstreams:

Welsh Cancer Data

·Early Cancer Diagnosis

·Research & Development

·Genomics, Advanced Therapies and Precision Medicine

The WCIF meets quarterly in person and online, if you are interested in learning more or getting involved, please contact wcn.r&



Programme Manager: Dr Louise Carrington:

Research & Innovation Development Manager: Carla Pothecary: