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National Strategic Clinical Network for Diabetes

Our aim is to improve care and outcomes for people living with diabetes in Wales.

With this aim at the heart of everything we do, we support, commission and manage a range of innovative diabetes projects across Wales every year.  

As part of the NHS Wales Executive, we are funded by Welsh Government to guide the implementation of the national diabetes delivery plan by bringing together health care professionals, third sector organisations and people living with diabetes.

Our programmes are driven by clinical knowledge, patient experience, research and embracing new technologies and developments in diabetes care. 

***Important information regarding the stock shortage of injectable and oral GLP-1 analogues***

Diabetes patient support information

Diabetes Pathways

Available for in-browser viewing and download.

Hub for diabetes healthcare professionals



Seren Connect logo in light and dark blue
SEREN Connect

A structured education programme for young adults living with diabetes, delivered by healthcare professionals.

My Desmond blue logo with white background

An interactive digital platform for people with type 2 diabetes designed to support and educate them to better self-manage their condition.


Making activity work for me - living with Type 1 Diabetes

Getting active and staying active while living with Type 1 Diabetes.

Diabetes Education and Information Resource

A resource for people who are caring for older adults with diabetes, particularly in a care home/nursing home setting

Diabetic Eye Screening Wales

Diabetic Eye Screening looks for diabetic eye disease (diabetic retinopathy) before any symptoms show.