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NHS Wales Awards 2022 Finalists Announced

At the Improvement Cymru National Conference in May it was announced that the NHS Wales Awards were returning for 2022, since then we were delighted to receive so many fantastic submissions and it’s now time to announce the shortlisted entries.

The Awards recognise how innovative ideas for change can make a significant difference to the patients who need care, the organisations who provide care, and the health and care system as a whole. It is an opportunity to showcase hardworking and inspiring teams working together, striving to improve healthcare practices and patient care across Wales.

The judges found shortlisting especially difficult this year as the calibre of entries was so high, one judge commented “It was humbling to see how much teams have achieved over the past few very challenging years. I’ve been involved in the NHS Wales Awards since 2016 and this was the hardest year yet to select the finalists as there was so much amazing work being done to improve the care for our population. It will be great to see how projects evolve and progress, and I hope to read more about them for the 2023 awards.”  Another added “There are some phenomenal projects out there, it was a challenging and emotional task to complete the shortlisting amidst the tears, but it was really lovely to read about the great work that is underway across Wales.” After much deliberation we are proud to announce the finalist for the 2022 NHS Wales Awards.

The finalists are:

Delivering higher value health and care

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board - Supportive Care: A Value-Based Approach to Palliation in Advanced Heart Failure

Aneurin Bevan University Health Board - Improving outcomes for patients with Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction

Swansea Bay University Health Board - Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Inhaler Prescribing in Swansea Bay University Health Board’s Primary Care Sector

Delivering person-centred services

Hywel Dda University Health Board - Introduction of an Intermediate Care MDT, Carmarthenshire

Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board - BCUHB Long COVID Service

Aneurin Bevan University Health Board - Meeting the needs of people living with heart failure through cardiac rehabilitation and a community heart failure hub.

Empowering people to co-produce their care

Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board - Developing a heart failure remote monitoring digital app to empower patients co-produce their care

Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board - Long Covid Lived Experience Partnership Group

Swansea Bay University Health Board - A new suite of education resources for people with kidney disease

Enriching the wellbeing, capability and engagement of the health and care workforce

Hywel Dda University Health Board - Improving work flow in Pharmacy Stores at Glangwili General Hospital

Aneurin Bevan University Health Board - Wellbeing Connectors Making A Difference To Workforce Sustainability

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board - Virtual remote occupational skin health clinics for Cardiff and Vale UHB staff: 2 year experience and lessons learnt

Improving health and wellbeing

Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board - Community cardiology diagnostic vehicle. An innovative response to C19 and the future for cardiac diagnostics.

Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board - Working in partnership to achieve person centred care

Swansea Bay University Health Board - Establishing A Community Supported Agricultural Farm on Land at Morriston Hospital, Swansea

Improving patient safety

Powys Teaching Health Board - Improving the impact of pharmacy interventions towards better patient care, health outcomes and prescribing practice

Swansea Bay University Health Board - Impact of implementation of an intra-operative checklist to reduce re-operation for bleeding and blood transfusion

NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership - All Wales COVID-19 CIVAS Service

Providing services in partnership across NHS Wales

A collaboration between Welsh Blood Service, Public Health Wales, Swansea Bay UHB and Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB - A partnership approach to rapidly establishing COVID-19 surveillance during the pandemic

Hywel Dda University Health Board - A Partnership Project: Welsh Ambulance Service Trust (WAST) – NHS Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC) Pilot

Technology Enabled Care Cymru, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board - Using Collaboration and Evidence to Deliver Sustainable Patient-Centred Digital Transformation across NHS Wales.

Working seamlessly across the public and third sector

Swansea Bay University Health Board - A collaborative COVID response: a renal team and patient charities, working in partnership for the kidney community

Aneurin Bevan University Health Board - Bespoke Repatriation Service - ABUHB and United Welsh

Swansea Bay University Health Board - Tackling Bed Poverty in Wales

The NHS Wales Awards are organised by Improvement Cymru which is the national improvement service for NHS Wales delivered by Public Health Wales.

Judging panels will now hold a virtual visit with each finalist to find out more about the projects and see first-hand the benefits they’ve brought to patients. Each judging panel is formed of experts drawn from across NHS Wales, the public sector and professional bodies.

The winners will be announced in a ceremony on 20 October in Cardiff.