The Type 1 Diabetes Youth (T1DY) project is currently being piloted under Aneurin Bevan University Health Board and being run by the Hwb Torfaen. It aims to increase the engagement of young people with healthcare services and support the wider needs that living with diabetes can bring.
The diabetes team at the Royal Gwent Hospital is working with Hannah Lewis, a youth worker for the Hwb Torfaen, to support young people who are preparing to move to adult services. They can engage with Hannah on a voluntary basis, and she can work with them to support a variety of needs, while supporting them to remain engaged with the medical support.
At the end of this project, there will be a report published on the pilot and a how-to guide that other health boards can follow to replicate a similar service in other areas across Wales.
To date, the HbA1c rate in 35 per cent of individuals has decreased, 35 per cent have stabilised and 10 per cent have seen no change. The remaining 20 per cent have seen an increase but feel this was a result of struggles associated with the pandemic.
Comments from young people involved:
“Having you has helped me to get on with things.”
“You have made me realise I am not alone even when I think I am most days.”
“You have reassured me that there are people out there that care, this lockdown hasn’t been easy and it has affected so many people but I am glad that I have a youth worker like you.”