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Attend the National Suicide Prevention and Self Harm Conference

Stakeholders from across Wales will gather in Cardiff for the National Suicide Prevention and Self Harm Conference on Thursday 6 March 2025.

The event will highlight the national strategic approach for suicide prevention and self-harm, showcase best practice from across Wales, and create a space to strengthen engagement between partners.

Claire Cotter, National Programme Lead for Suicide and Self-Harm Prevention, NHS Wales Executive, said: “The event is an important opportunity for colleagues from across different sectors to come together to have important conversations and learn from each other – reducing stigma, understanding the complexity of the issues, improving the quality of services and reducing unwarranted variation.”

Keynote sessions and workshops will have a broad focus, from evidence and policy to practical skills and training, delivered by range of organisations and sectors.

Sarah Murphy MS, Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing, as well as a number of experts by experience and occupation will also be in attendance.

The National Suicide Prevention and Self Harm Conference will be chaired by Professor Ann John, Chair of the National Advisory Group on suicide and self-harm prevention to Welsh Government, who has a background as a clinical epidemiologist in public health and general practice. Professor John’s research focuses on suicide and self-harm prevention and children and young peoples’ mental health, and she is particularly passionate about the translation of research into policy and practice.

National and local leaders from across public services, as well as front-line workers, who support people affected by suicide and self-harm, or who care about/for people affected by suicide and self-harm are invited to attend. Attendance is welcome from all areas of Wales, other parts of the UK, and beyond.

Sign up to the National Suicide and Self Harm Prevention Conference.

Information and outputs from the Suicide and Self-harm National Conference 2023 can be found on the Suicide and Self Harm Training Hub.