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Dr Chris Jones, Deputy Chief Medical Officer for Wales

This winter, more than ever, we need to protect our communities and our NHS. That is why, it is so important to get ourselves vaccinated against the flu this winter.

Everyone who is eligible for a NHS flu vaccine, which includes some of the most vulnerable in our communities, will receive the vaccination first. Then via a phased approach, vaccinations will be rolled out to the over 50’s and households of those shielding.

By extending the flu vaccine programme, to more people than ever before, we can help prevent people becoming ill and reduce pressure on the NHS this winter. I would urge everyone who is eligible, to have the vaccine.

The potential of a second wave of Covid-19 will make this year’s flu vaccination programme even more vital. Alongside extending the programme, it’s important that those in the existing eligible groups including: the over 65s; pregnant women; and people with medical conditions; are vaccinated first. Increasing uptake of the flu jab among health and social care workers will also be a key priority this year.

Additional supplies of the nasal spray flu vaccine offered to children will be used to maximise uptake in the vaccination programme offered to 2 and 3 year olds and to all children in primary schools.

By getting a flu jab, we are helping to ensure our own and our families’ safety, and helping to ensure the safety of the NHS caring for our patients.  Safer staff therefore will mean safer patients. Together, we’ll keep Wales Safe.