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'Waiting as well as possible' - A project idea developed in Wales is shortlisted for the Q Exchange funding

We’re thrilled to share that a proposal submitted by Q members from the Mental Health Psychology & Psychological Therapies Department in Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board in collaboration with colleagues in Improvement Cymru has been shortlisted in this year’s Health Foundation Q Exchange. The Q Exchange offers Q members the chance to develop project ideas and submit bids for up to £40,000 of funding.

If the project idea is successful in this final round, the team will host a co-production event for people currently waiting for psychological therapies, to generate ideas of what would enable people to wait as well as possible. Led by a peer mentor, one idea will be selected for a test of change. It is anticipated that the learning from this project will have spread and scale potential for people on psychological therapies waiting lists across Wales.

Improvement Cymru’s Andrea Gray, Mental Health Development Lead for Wales said, “Most people waiting for a psychological intervention gathered their courage to ask for help with their mental health and having to continue to cope with difficult and distressing feelings whilst waiting for help can be really hard. We want to co-produce the support we can offer during this time with the people doing the waiting, to at least enable people to – ‘wait as well as possible’.” 

Learn more about the team and this fantastic project idea here.

If you are a member of the Q Community, log on and vote for the only Welsh project to make the shortlist. Voting closes 6 June.