The next round of Q Exchange, the participatory funding programme with grants of up to £40,000 is now open for submissions.
The Q Exchange is a collaborative funding programme, supported by the Health Foundation and NHS England. It offers Q members from across the UK an opportunity to develop and submit their innovative ideas. Project teams must be led by a Q member for the duration of the project but can involve people who are not yet part of the community.
This year’s theme focuses on how we can improve across system boundaries. Projects should relate to one or more of the following areas:
Reducing waits sustainably and equitably.
Increasing productivity and reducing waste.
Boosting the culture, capabilities and structures needed for learning and improvement.
Embedding improvement into management systems and processes.
This is an incredible opportunity for Q members based in Wales to collaborate and share their skills with the wider Q Community to develop and test new or existing innovative ideas. Often successful projects will provide inspiration and learning that can be used to spread and scale improvements.
Last year, a project, 'A Co-produced Approach to ‘Waiting As Well As Possible’ developed by colleagues from Improvement Cymru and Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board successfully received funding through the Q Exchange. You can check out the latest updates on this project here.
Submit your initial project ideas to the Q Exchange and develop them with Q members from Tuesday 6 February to Tuesday 27 February via Q's website.
If you would like to discuss your idea, get in touch with the Q Exchange team: