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Statement on the NHS Wales Awards 2023

Following the statement from Eluned Morgan MS, Minister for Health and Social Services about the escalation status of all Health Boards in NHS Wales, Welsh Government have had to make the difficult decision with Improvement Cymru to move this years in person NHS Wales Awards ceremony to a virtual online event. Whilst we know this will be disappointing to our inspirational shortlisted teams, the decision has not been taken lightly and reflects the current incredibly tough financial position of the NHS in Wales. The move to a virtual celebratory event will support our Health Boards and Trusts in cost saving efforts, while maintaining a focus on thanking and acknowledging our wonderful NHS colleagues.

Judith Paget, Director General for Health and Social Services and the NHS Wales Chief Executive said: “The decision to move the awards ceremony online does not detract in any way from the fantastic work that we know colleagues are undertaking every day in NHS Wales.  We value our inspirational staff more than ever at a time where hard decisions are having to be made in order to prioritise patient care. I want to say thank you to the finalists of the NHS Wales Awards and to those of you who took the time to enter. I look forward to celebrating with you albeit at a different style ceremony for 2023.”

The awards ceremony was due to take place at the Coal Exchange Hotel, Cardiff in October. We are currently developing plans to deliver the awards virtually and will be in touch with attendees soon. We look forward to announcing the winners and celebrating some truly inspirational work.

Read more about our finalists here