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Safe Care Collaborative launches

The Safe Care Collaborative between Improvement Cymru, the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) and NHS Wales health boards and trusts was launched on Tuesday 29 November by the Minister for Health and Social Care, Eluned Morgan MS.

The launch took place during the first in a series of learning sessions for the collaborative, which creates a learning system where organisations test and measure practice innovations and share their experiences to accelerate learning and widespread implementation of good practice for safe care.

Bringing together teams, coaches, executives and senior leaders for safety from across all the health boards and trusts, the collaborative will provide the opportunity for organisations to learn from each other.

It is an exciting output of work undertaken through the Safe Care Partnership, focusing on common safety priorities that have been identified across Wales and agreed by health board and trust chief executives through the partnership’s Leading for Patient SafetyFoundational Site Visits and Coaching for Patient Safety workstreams.

Those common safety priorities will see the collaborative working to deliver improvements across leadership in patient safety, as well as across community, ambulatory and acute care settings.

Teams from across Wales will be participating in a total of six quarterly learning sessions throughout the collaborative, featuring a range of keynote speakers, breakout discussions and workshops designed to support participants to spread and scale improvements through their organisations and across Wales. They will also receive coaching sessions with IHI and support on site from patient safety leads, and Improvement Cymru.

You can view a summary video from the first Safe Care Collaborative learning session here:

A variety of further video, blog and social media content from collaborative’s first learning session will be published throughout December, which you can follow on the Improvement Cymru Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts, and across internal communications channels. 

For more information, please view the Safe Care Collaborative pages.