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Improvement Cymru achieves impressive poster wins at upcoming Patient Safety Congress

Published 22 August 2024

Improvement Cymru has secured three winning entries at this year’s Health Service Journal (HSJ) Patient Safety Congress Poster Competition.

The HSJ Patient Safety Congress and Awards, which celebrates its 17th year, is the largest focused healthcare safety and quality event in the UK, bringing together more than 1,000 health and social care leaders, clinicians, managers and patient representatives.  

A hat trick of poster wins

Ahead of the event, organisations were invited to submit posters on safety and quality improvement initiatives across ten categories. The winning posters will be displayed in the congress exhibition area during the two-day event, where teams will present their poster.

Improvement Cymru, which is formally part of the NHS Wales Executive, submitted winning entries in three categories. These are:

Category: The Patient Voice

Category criteria: Projects that demonstrate the genuine co-production of patients with lived experience in reviewing processes and re-designing services.

Poster summary: Through co-production we have been able to design a programme of support to improve dementia care across Wales and through evaluation and co-production, we will continue to address what matters most for the people of Wales.

View the poster: Coproducing a Dementia Care Programme for Wales.

Poster authors: Ian Dovaston, Farukh Navabjan and Michela Morris

Category: Working with vulnerable patients

Poster summary: Through the method of co-production, children, young people, and families were empowered to take ownership and contribute to discussions about how we can achieve sustainable and meaningful change through collective action.

View the poster: Creating a shared National Vision for Children and Young People with a Learning Disability in Wales

Poster authors: Rebecca Curtis and Elizabeth Tucker

Category: Protecting and Supporting the Workforce

Category criteria: Projects that have placed high importance on protecting and supporting the workforce to enhance staff wellbeing. Initiatives may include dismantling systemic discrimination, co-ordinating a trauma-informed response to mitigate psychological harm, safer staffing or overcoming moral injury.

Poster summary: Using the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Safe, Effective and Reliable Care (SREC) and Joy in Work (JIW) models alongside Compassionate Leadership principles we have maintained, and in some cases improved, the wellbeing and engagement of a national healthcare quality improvement team during a period of significant structural organisational change.

View the poster: Well-being First: Building an engaged and resilient workforce

Poster authors: Cas Germain and Sarah Patmore

Dominique Bird, Acting National Director for Quality Safety and Improvement, NHS Wales Executive, said: “We’re so pleased that we won three of the ten poster categories as we were up against very strong competition. This is testament to the quality of our work and the impact our teams have made on patient safety and improvements in the wider NHS system.

“We look forward to talking through our posters at the Congress and connecting with like-minded individuals on how we can collaborate and share learnings with other Health Boards and Trusts across the UK.”

Join us at the event

Improvement Cymru will be attending the HSJ Patient Safety Congress at Manchester Central Convention Complex on Monday 16 – Tuesday 17 September 2024.

As well as presenting the winning posters, members of the Improvement Cymru team will also be delivering an interactive session, on Tuesday 17 September at 2.55pm.

The session will focus on how through the Safe Care Collaborative, Improvement Cymru implemented a national collaborative approach to deliver sustainable improvement across NHS Wales. You can read more information about the talk on the HSJ website.

If you’re attending, make sure you visit Improvement Cymru at stand 32 to hear more about the organisation’s work, learn about the support it could offer your project, and take part in a competition where there’s a prize to be won.