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Learning from others and making new connections at the International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare

Last week, Improvement Cymru joined 3000 attendees from over 47 countries at the International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare in Copenhagen, Denmark.

The Forum brings together the international quality improvement and patient safety community across health and care and provides a fantastic opportunity to hear perspectives from key improvement leaders from across the world.

Experience based co-design of the Outcome Measurement project

On day 2 of the Forum, Sarah-Jane James, Senior Improvement Manager at Improvement Cymru, hosted a session along with Richeldis Yhap (Rish), a person with lived experience.

Sarah, showcased the holistic approach taken to introduce and embed ‘Patient/Person Reported Outcome Measures’ (PROMS) and ‘Patient/Person Reported Experience Measures’ (PREMS) to mental health and learning disability teams across Wales. Over 1,000 mental health and learning disabilities staff from 418 teams in Wales have now attended the Outcome Measures training. Rish shared her insights on the process of co-production and stressed the importance of engaging with service users when creating change.

To find out more, view the handout and the slides from the session.

Safe Care Collaborative

On the final day of the Forum, Susan Hannah from the Institute for Healthcare Improvement presented a session on ‘Alternatives to hospital admission and keeping patients safe’ which included a presentation on how the IHI’s Framework for Safe, Reliable and Effective Care is currently being used as part of the Safe Care Collaborative to support a system wide approach to patient safety in Wales.

Visit the Safe Care Collaborative web pages, to learn more about the work to accelerate improvement projects across Wales.

Posters from across Improvement Cymru were also displayed at the Forum. You can view and download the posters below.


The team at Improvement Cymru enjoyed making connections and showcasing the work taking place across the NHS system in Wales. If you would like to be involved with improvement work and keep up to date, sign up to our newsletter.