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Improving Quality and Safety with NHS Wales

From 1 April 2024, Improvement Cymru formally join NHS Wales Executive as the Quality, Safety and Improvement directorate, after a year of transition operating with a Memorandum of Understanding. 

Our team as part of the Quality, Safety and Improvement directorate, works alongside our NHS Wales Executive colleagues, Welsh Government, and wider NHS partners to support the creation of the best quality health and care system for Wales so that everyone has access to safe, effective and efficient care in the right place and at the right time.  

Dominique Bird, Deputy Director and Head of Quality Improvement said: “Over the last year we have been transitioning over to the NHS Wales Executive and we are excited to now formally join our colleagues. While our hosting arrangements have changed, the work we do remains the same, strengthened by being part of the NHS Wales Executive”. 

Our new directorate works with partners to translate the policy direction and standards set by Welsh Government into action, improving the quality and safety of healthcare in Wales. Our improvement team, known as Improvement Cymru, empower, embed and elevate improvement across the NHS, delivering all-Wales improvement programme support to achieve safety priorities.

Our current all-Wales areas of focus are:

Find out more about the NHS Wales Executive