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Going forward as Improvement Cymru – rethinking how we improve

Today we officially relaunch as Improvement Cymru, the all-Wales Improvement service for NHS Wales, developing, embedding and delivering system-wide improvements across health and social care.

For the last 11 years we have supported the NHS to improve outcomes for people using services in Wales and we’re now embarking on a journey to rethink how we improve, in order to create a healthier Wales - together.

Improvement is a mind-set. It’s about saying: “I’m not happy to just go with the flow and do things how I always have.” It’s about striving for better: better for you, your colleagues and the people you care for. Improvement gives you a sense of achievement: to be able to sit on the sofa at the end of a busy day, knowing that you have improved something for the better by delivering great care.

Our conference celebrates all we have achieved and marks a new era for Improvement in Wales. We’re excited to share our plans for the future that will include;

*in partnership with Q at the Health Foundation

This is just the start of the journey and one that we want to go on together. Sign up to our newsletter and follow us on social media to stay up to date.