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A project idea developed in Wales wins Q Exchange funding

We’re excited to share that a project idea submitted by Q members from the Mental Health Psychology & Psychological Therapies Department in Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board in collaboration with colleagues in Improvement Cymru has successfully received funding in this year’s Health Foundation Q Exchange. The Q Exchange offers Q members the chance to develop project ideas and submit bids for up to £40,000 of funding. This year’s Q Exchange sought ideas on how improvement can be used to reduce delays in accessing health and care services.

The team behind the project will host a co-production event for people currently waiting for psychological therapies, to generate ideas of what would enable people to wait as well as possible. Led by a peer mentor, one idea will be selected for a test of change. It is anticipated that the learning from this project will have spread and scale potential for people on psychological therapies waiting lists across Wales.

Improvement Cymru’s Andrea Gray, Mental Health Development Lead for Wales said, “We’re thrilled our project has been awarded funding. It will enable us to learn from people currently waiting for psychological interventions to develop and implement a co-produced test of change that supports a ‘waiting as well as possible agenda’.”

Congratulations to all Q Exchanges 2023 winners.

Learn more about this fantastic project and all of the winning ideas here.