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Safe Care Together

Improvement Cymru is the improvement service for NHS Wales. Our aim is to support the creation of the best quality health and care system for Wales so that everyone has access to safe, effective and efficient care in the right place and at the right time across the whole care system.

We work alongside organisations to create the conditions, build the capability and make the connections for improvement to flourish, across the whole system. By working collaboratively we can achieve transformation with improvement to help build a healthier Wales.

To achieve our aim we have three strategic priorities:

  • Support health and care organisations to redesign and continuously improve the service they provide.
  • Support a focus on reduction in avoidable harm and safety within systems of care.
  • Sustainably build improvement capability within the health and care system.

To enable us to achieve this we have developed Safe Care Together, which is designed to enable Improvement Cymru to coach and support organisations to improve the quality and safety of care across their systems, to embed the Health and Social Care (Quality and Engagement) (Wales) Act.

Improvement Cymru will work in partnership with each trust and health board who wish to sign up to the programme.  Through nationally coordinated and locally delivered support, we will help organisations identify their safety improvement priorities, and then develop and achieve their own bespoke improvement plans.

On behalf of NHS Wales, we have partnered with the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) to create the Safe Care Partnership with health boards and trusts across Wales.  We will work in partnership to support patient safety improvement to spread and scale within organisations following a process of creating the conditions, building the capability and making the connections.

Read more on our strategy and contact us to develop it further.



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