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About Obstetric Bleeding Strategy Cymru

What was OBS Cymru?

In November 2016 OBS Cymru was launched. The three year national quality improvement project aimed to standardise care and reduce both morbidity and mortality rates associated with PPH  across all Welsh maternity settings. The project was led by a multiprofessional national team who supported local champion teams to effect changes at the twelve Consultant Led Maternity Units across Wales.

What did OBS Cymru achieve?

OBS Cymru standardised PPH care across Wales by embedding the 4 pillars of PPH management.

  • Risk assessment
  • Early identification by means of measuring blood loss
  • Multidisciplinary team working
  • ROTEM point of care testing

The work of the project is now embedded into everyday practice and the hard work by the local multiprofessional teams has led to positive changes in the care of mothers experiencing PPH.

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