"The values, knowledge and skills that healthcare staff will acquire through completing this vital training will really make a difference to the experience of patients with a learning disability. This training is a legacy to Paul, and we are grateful for the support of Welsh Government in making this mandatory."
- The Paul Ridd Foundation
Paul Ridd lived in Wales, he had a learning disability and in 2009 died an avoidable death; he was fifty-four years old. Since losing Paul, his family and others have campaigned for better training and support for healthcare staff to deliver safer care to people with a learning disability. Paul’s story is sadly not an isolated case.
The Paul Ridd Learning Disability Awareness Training is mandatory for all public facing NHS Wales staff to complete. It has been produced alongside people with a learning disability and key stakeholders from across health services and the third sector. It can be undertaken via the Electronic Staff Record (ESR) or via the Learning@Wales site linked below.
The training gives staff awareness of the barriers faced by people with a learning disability when accessing healthcare. It covers topics including communication, understanding and responding to behaviour, the health needs of people with a learning disability, and legal and policy issues.
The aim of the training and the framework is to support healthcare staff develop their own confidence and abilities to ensure that people with a learning disability have access to appropriate healthcare. Building knowledge, skills and competence across the workforce is a key action in reducing health inequalities for people with a learning disability.