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A collaboration between Swansea Bay University Health (SBUHB) and Time to Change Wales (TtCW) to deliver training to NHS Staff to Challenge Mental Health Stigma and Discrimination

Swansea Bay University Health Board

Time to Change Wales (TtCW) convenes regular insight and evaluation to demonstrate its impact and guide the future direction of work. Three pieces of quantitative research by TtCW in 2017, 2019 and 2021 consistently revealed that mental health stigma has been experienced within services including healthcare settings. Between 2019 and 2021 TtCW saw an increase in the number of those perceived to be treated unfairly by mental health professionals in relation to their mental health (from 4% to 15%).

In order to respond to these challenges, Swansea Bay University Health Board (SBUHB) were invited by TtCW to attend a discovery session to identify the best approach to address these issues. This session involved staff members from Occupational Health, Quality and Safety and Mental Health to ensure a wide representation of staff. As a result of this session an agreement was made between SBUHB, Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board and TtCW to pursue the development of a bespoke training module as a trial.

The training programme comprised of a series of presentation-style modules, interspersed with compelling video case studies featuring lived experience contributions, scenario-based discussions, reflecting on employees’ own wellbeing as healthcare workers and a personal learning plan. The training videos also featured NHS staff discussing their experiences of witnessing stigma within patients.

Since the pilot year in 2021, TtCW have trained a total of 757 NHS staff, with 99% from SBUHB. As a result of this training, SBUHB staff are more aware of how stigma can impact patients’ journeys, and have been able to reflect on their current practice and identify how they can contribute towards this positive shift in behaviour. The training offered them a safe space to discuss and share experiences and check in on their own wellbeing, understanding and recognising the warning signs using the Mental Health Continuum.