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Increasing Audit Efficiency and Inspiring Internal Auditors of the Future

Digital Health & Care Wales

In 2021/22 there were a total of 76 audits planned across all standards held by Digital Health & Care Wales. However, only 53 of these audits were conducted. One of the primary reasons for this was insufficient availability of trained staff and a lack of capacity to undertake the number of audits planned to cover all the standards.

In order to reduce the level of additional workload on colleagues and reduce work-related stress across the Organisation, two improvements were identified: train more staff in how to conduct internal audits and establish a risk-based approach to internal auditing, focusing resources on higher risk areas and processes.

A Quality Improvement Manager was recruited to support delivery and a risk-based internal audit schedule was established. This involved completing a cross-clause analysis exercise for the standards to which the Organisation was certified or working towards to ensure all aspects were covered, but with the aim of eliminating repetition and duplication of effort. Alongside this, an Internal Audit training programme was developed which was available to all staff across the Organisation, with the aim to provide a baseline of audit and quality assurance knowledge for all members of staff, no matter what their role, position, or previous experience.

The risk-based audit programme identified 25 audits for 2022/23, with a target to conduct a minimum of two risk-based audits each month. Internal Audit training increased the pool of internal auditors from 24 to 51.

The change to the audit programme has resulted in a 67% reduction in the number of internal audits conducted across the Organisation. Employee wellbeing has been improved by increasing the pool of suitably trained internal auditors; decreasing the burden of work previously placed on standard leads. Other improvements include staff morale, motivation and job satisfaction through allowing those with an interest in auditing to develop new or enhance existing skills, knowledge and experience.