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Using Collaboration and Evidence to Deliver Sustainable Patient-Centred Digital Transformation across NHS Wales

Technology Enabled Care Cymru, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board

Prior to March 2020, Technology Enabled Care (TEC) Cymru had been running a number of pilot projects with Aneurin Bevan UHB to test the potential of video consultation (VC) instead of face-to-face delivery of services. The intention was to use evaluation to understand whether, and how, to scale this across Wales. It sought to address the persistent barriers that prevent large-scale digital transformation permeating across organisational boundaries and professional groups, in order to deliver benefits to a wide variety of patients.

However, the unprecedented circumstances of COVID-19 encouraged digital transformation of services at scale and pace. TEC Cymru re-calibrated its aim to use VC as a safe and secure means to continue the delivery of services. Through close collaboration with all Health Boards in Wales, an approach was developed that was clinically led, multi-disciplinary, nationally coordinated and locally delivered, to provide a viable, sustainable and systemic shift in the way that health and care is provided.

Data has been captured from more than 55,000 participants, and an agile, iterative approach was adopted using quality improvement and traditional research methods, to capture large, representative datasets, using qualitative and quantitative study designs, which were embedded and guided by Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) cycles.

Consistent findings across all studies demonstrate that VC service is highly satisfactory, clinically acceptable, digitally inclusive, and environmentally friendly, and it was clear that benefits outweigh challenges for all.

To date, 350,000 video consultations (VC) have successfully taken place using the national service. Evidence has shown that patients and families report that VC is highly satisfactory (92.4%) across many clinical specialities (50 types), and a range of appointment types are acceptable, with 85% prevention of in-person contact required.

Alka Ahuja 

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