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Wellbeing Connectors Making A Difference To Workforce Sustainability

Aneurin Bevan University Health Board

Employee wellbeing is a top priority for NHS Wales and Aneurin Bevan University Health Board. In November 2021, the Health Board Staff Survey found that, although the majority of staff (75%) felt that they were either coping ‘OK or well’, a quarter of staff reported that they were coping either very poorly or not very well (collectively 25%).  A project was initiated to introduce the role of ‘Wellbeing Connectors’ and the implementation of ‘Psych PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)’ Workshops.

‘Psych PPE’ training was first developed in response to the opening of the large ‘Nightingale Hospitals’ in London to support the COVID 19 response. Its underlying philosophy is the recognition that wellbeing risks within healthcare are equal to all other workplace risks, and by looking after ourselves first, we are better able to look after others. Psych PPE are the things we do to protect our wellbeing during times of challenge, enabling us to psychologically protect and prepare the NHS workforce. It uses the analogy of physical PPE and fosters the skill of introspection, enabling individuals to construct their own personalised self-care plan and practises to protect their wellbeing.

Aneurin Bevan UHB are the first Health Board in Wales to introduce this training and have delivered on an initial target of training 25 staff as Wellbeing Connectors who can deliver the Psych PPE training to colleagues. Over 100 staff have received the training to date.

96% of staff who have attended the Psych PPE Workshops either strongly agreed or agreed with the statement ‘following the workshop I have a good understanding of what Psych PPE is and the skills I could use to enhance my wellbeing’, while 94% either strongly agreed or agreed with the statement ‘the Psych PPE workshop has given me the knowledge and skills to develop my own Psych PPE plan’.

Amy Mitchell 

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