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Resources for health care professionals

Advance and Future Care Plans

Information, forms and guidance for patients, carers and healthcare professionals relating to Advance and Future Care Planning. 

All Wales Care Decisions for the Last Days of Life Guidance

Care Decisions Guidance and supplementary information to support the delivery of care to patients and residents in the last days and hours of life.

All Wales Specialist Palliative Care Team Referral Form

Download the form.

The CARiAD package

The CARiAD package is about lay carer-administration of subcutaneous (SC) as-needed medication for five common symptoms in the last days of life. 


'Sharing and Involving - a clinical policy for Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (DNACPR) for adults in Wales', a summary of the key changes in version 4 (2020), and information for patients.


Training and education opportunities and resources

Key documents

Reviews of Specialist Palliative Care Services, End of Life Care documents published by the Welsh Government

Palliative Care Adult Network Guidelines

The site aims to offer up-to-date, evidence based information and guidance on professional aspects of palliative care. The information contained is designed to complement, not replace, the relationship between a patient and his/her own physician.

Welsh Clinical Portal: Palliative Care

This page contains links to Videos, Quick Reference Guides and User Guides for the various elements of the Welsh Clinical Portal (WCP) that will be used by Palliative Care Teams as they make the switch from CANISC and paper based systems to WCP.