Someone whose life has been touched by cancer has their own unique story to tell. Patients and carers have invaluable knowledge and experience that can help shape and improve local and national cancer services. Through the Cancer Network patients, carers, members of the public, support groups and voluntary organisations can be part of that drive to develop and improve cancer services across Wales.
In the Cancer Network we strive to put patients, their families and carers at the heart of our work to transform cancer services and care in Wales. Our patient engagement work aims to obtain informative input from patients and carers in various ways and make patient experience an important element in our mission to improve cancer care and outcomes for patients across Wales.
If you have received cancer treatment in Wales or are a carer of someone who has been affected by cancer in Wales and want to help improve the delivery of cancer services in Wales we would like your help. We would also like your help if you have received your cancer treatment in England, whilst still living in Wales.
Visit Contact Us to get in touch.
We take several approaches to involvement, creating different ways for people to tell us their views and inspire our ideas. We will listen to everything we hear from people and use this to help shape our plans.
Work with us to strengthen the patient and carer voice. The more information we have from patients and carers, the better placed we are to make informed decisions and improved services, and health and care outcomes across Wales with patients at the heart.